Department of History

Vision and Mission


 The history department of the college aims at making students aware of the past and its heritage through teaching and activities in Indian history in the context of world history.  We believe that only a critical understanding of the past will help students understand the present and look at the future.


- Transform students into citizens who are critical of the past and its consequences for the present

-  Encourage studies in India in general and specifically in the history, society and culture of Andhra Pradesh.

-  Empower students to face the challenges of globalization, by inculcating in them a lifelong passion to learn about the past. Knowledge of the interconnections between global, national, regional and local histories prepares students to face the challenges with confidence.

Profile of the Staff

M Krishna Chaitanya Profile.docx


Syllabus- All Semesters


POs, PSOs, & COs

Dept of History PO, PSO and CO.docx

Department Action Plan

Dept of History Action Plan.xlsx


Dept of History Individual Timetable.xlsx

Student Categorization

Dept of Histoy Student Categorization.xlsx

Department Activities

Department of History- Activities.docx

Result Analysis

Result Analysis 2020-23 batch

Result Analysis 2020-23 batch.xlsx

Result Analysis 2019-22 batch

Result Analysis 2019-22 batch.xlsx

Student Progression

Dept of History Student Progression.xlsx